Pay tax invoice


This service displays information about paying a tax invoice including the option for our team to process payment using a credit card 

Getting started

The tax invoice you receive from a SA Government Agency displays payment options.  Refer to the displayed payment options when paying the full payment. 

Payment options

Payment options vary across SA Government Agencies and may include:


How to

Pay with BPAY or use a credit/debit card

Make sure you provide the correct unique payment reference number (PRN) in the reference field every time you make a payment.  This guarantees your money goes to the right account without delay.

  1. View the payment options on your tax invoice

  2. Determine your preferred payment option

Need help processing your payment?   Select your 'preferred payment option' from the list below:

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Credit Card Payment by Phone

Phone Accounts Receivable payment service.  Accounts Receivable user the safe and secure BPOINT Online payment gateway.  This service is available where the statement requesting payment is from this list of Agencies:

Provide your email details when requesting payment by phone - Accounts Receivable will email a receipt for the transaction 

If the agency that billed you is not listed below, check your tax invoice / bill for other payment options.

AGD Attorney General's Department
DIS (details on tax invoice)

Department for Industry and Skills

DPC Department of the Premier and Cabinet
DPTI Department of Planning Transport and Infrastructure
DHW SA Health - Corporate
PIRSA Primary Industries and Regions SA
SADS SA Dental Service
SAAS (AMBS only) SA Ambulance Service
TAFE SA Technical and Further Education SA
CEIH Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health
WSA Wellbeing SA
Credit Card payments are processed in accordance with Payment Card Industry Security Standards (PCI)

To make a payment by phone, use the 'Get in touch' drop-down, select the billing agency to view the specific 1800 phone number

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Pay by BPAY®

Find the BPAY biller code and Invoice number from the body of your tax invoice

  1. Log in to your online bank or mobile banking application

  2. Select BPAY

  3. Select your preferred account 

  4. Enter the Biller Code (found on the tax invoice)

  5. Enter the Invoice number


Biller code:



Invoice Number 

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Electronic transfer (EFT)

Transfer your payment to the Agency requesting payment using the details displayed on the tax invoice

Bank:           (details on tax invoice)                            
BSB: (details on tax invoice)
Account Number:  (details on tax invoice)
Account Name: (details on tax invoice)
Reference: Invoice Number

To get your payment recognised - enter the correct Invoice number in the reference field.  Do not include anything else in this field.

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In person at Australia Post

You can pay at the Australia Post - service centres -  by cash, EFTPOS (subject to daily limits) or cheque.  You must provide the Tax Invoice with your payment.

Make sure cheques and money orders are:

  • in Australian dollars

  • payable to the SA Government Agency requesting payment (displayed on the tax invoice)

  • crossed 'Not Negotiable'

  • not post-dated

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In person at Service SA

You can pay at Service SA - customer service centres - by cash, EFTPOS (subject to daily limits). You must provide the Tax Invoice with your payment.


Payments made are receipted within 7 working days
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