Customer engagement activities


View our Customer Engagement Activities

Getting started

Shared Services SA is committed to keeping our customers central to everything we do - this means providing regular engagement opportunities. Our engagement activities include:

  • Listening Centres 
  • Service Design Review 
  • Information Sessions
  • Agency Training and Education Courses
  • Client Engagement Meetings

How to

Listening Centres

Listening centres are a customer-centric approach, where employees can drop by to meet and discuss issues related to payroll services. Technical specialists are available on site to promptly respond to specific enquiries from employees, and information on how to use HR21 Self Service.  

All SA Government Agency Employees (on site)

Every 3 months or as negotiated with your Agency


Service Design Review

During these discussions we review the scope and responsibilities for services provided to agencies by Shared Services SA.  Our approach is collaborative, and our reviews encompass service integration, changes to business requirements and business process improvements.  

Representatives from areas across government such as Finance and Directors

Biennial (occurs every two years)


Information Sessions

Customised sessions tailored to suit client needs. Catalogue of topics include Payroll, Accounts Payable and Receivable, Financial Services, Business Systems and Performance.

Agency Team Leaders, Supervisors and Managers

Ad hoc, as negotiated and arranged with your Agency


Agency Training Resources

Basware and HR21 training resources are available for both employees and managers. The training resources provide the knowledge, skills and confidence to navigate and utilise the functionality of these systems. Shared Services SA provide a range of e-Learning training resources, videos, quick reference guides and self-paced e-learning modules.  Group training sessions for CHRIS21 Report Writing are available by negotiation.

SA Government Agencies (employees, team leaders, supervisors and managers)

Online training available 
Ad hoc CHRIS21 Report Writing - as negotiated and arranged between SSSA and SA Government Agencies


Client Engagement Meetings

Our client engagement meetings are a great opportunity to review the quality of services provided by Shared Services SA.  Any issues can be discussed, and solutions agreed upon.  Additionally, we can share information and learn more about how we can add value to our client agencies.

SA Government Agencies (employees, team leaders, supervisors and managers)

Every month