HR Reporting


HR Reporting is available via HR21

Direct Managers (delegates), HR personnel and administration support staff can request access to HR21 Reporting

This is a summary of some of the available reports:

  • Standard suite of HR reporting

  • HR21 Bonafide and Leave Return Certificates

  • Leave Balances, Leave Return, Leave Taken

  • Payroll Analysis

  • HR DataSet, Abolished/Created Positions

  • Additional or Higher Duties Allowance, Allowances Paid

  • Expenditure Account and FTE, Headcount and FTE

  • Staff Establishment Profile, Position Relationships

  • ABS 2 Employment and Earnings

  • ABS 5 Survey of Employee Earnings and Hours

  • Age Analysis

  • Employee Separations

  • Total Remuneration

  • Vacant Positions

  • Whole of Life Search

  • Contract End

  • Employee Details, Medicare Provider Numbers