Reset or unlock your HR21 password


Use these instructions to unlock or reset your HR21 password

SA Health and Other Agencies

If you are unable to access your HR21, follow these instructions to reset your password:

  1.  Select and login to your Agency HR21 link


  2. The HR21 login screen will display

  3. At the bottom, select Forgot Your Password 
    image 2

  4. Follow the Forgot Your Password (QRG-HR21-Change-Password) prompts to complete the process.


  1. Logon to the SAPOL network 

  2. Open a browser (Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge)

  3. Select and login to your Agency HR21 link (copy link and paste into SAPOL network browser)

  4. The HR21 login screen will display

  5. Select and view the SAPOL - Change Password instructions 

 Note: Access granted only from inside SAPOL network.

Department for Education

Reset your password through the education portal.

Dept for Education - Links

Support Materials

*QRG HR21 Change-Password

*SAPOL - Change Password instructions

*StateNet access required to access