Superannuation and tax
Information about employer superannuation contributions, personal contributions and tax
Superannuation is money set aside for your retirement. It is an important component of your remuneration as a SA public sector employee. For more information on superannuation, see the Moneysmart website.
Back to topCan I choose my superannuation fund?
Super SA’s Triple S fund is the default fund for South Australian Government employer contributions. Most SA Public Sector workers, including new employees, are eligible to direct their South Australian Government employer contributions to a complying super fund of their choice. This is called Fund Selection. Fund Selection is entirely voluntary; employees wishing to select their own fund must complete a Fund Selection Notice form (available upon request from their agency) and have it approved by an agency delegate before it is processed by Payroll Services.
Further details on Fund Selection eligibility, financial and insurance considerations can be located on the Super SA website.
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Employer Superannuation contributions
Your superannuable salary is equal to your base salary plus any approved allowances. Any ordinary time allowances received which are not superannuable still count towards your employer meeting superannuation guarantee requirements for employer contributions to your fund.
Superannuation guarantee requirements are determined by the Federal Government and are the minimum amount of superannuation contributions an employer must pay, as on or after 1 July 2022, 10.5% of ordinary time earnings.
Ordinary time earnings are generally salary plus all allowances which are not reimbursing expenses and exclude any earnings (including allowances) related to overtime. However, overtime that is regularly rostered is included as income.
Unless a specific enterprise agreement or award states otherwise, employers are required to pay a set rate of superannuation into each employee's super fund.
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Salary Sacrifice (reportable super)
Employees can request to deduct extra super from their pre-tax income, this will be paid into their super fund. This is called salary sacrifice and it gives the employee tax and retirement income benefits.
Employees who have chosen to Fund Select may also request salary sacrifice superannuation deductions are sent to their selected fund. Refer to the Super SA website for forms and further information on financial and taxation implications.
Back to topTax deducted from your Pay
The ATO provides tax tables to assist you to understand how much to tax is withheld from your pay.
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