Apply for long service leave (LSL)


Complete an application for Long Service Leave in HR21

Long Service Leave and Maternity/Paternity 

The Commissioners Determination 3.1 (Leave) provides certain employees eligibility to apply for Long Service Leave (including Maternity/Paternity):

  • If eligible, you must include the reason for the application 

  • It is important that the relevant paperwork is fully completed and authorised otherwise it will be returned to you for completion.

Extended long service leave - half pay 

An employee may apply to take extended long service leave (also known as long service leave on half pay).

In that event the period of leave is to be twice the period to which the employee would otherwise have been entitled:

  • Applications for extended long service leave must be for an even number of days

  • The first half of a period of extended long service leave is treated as long service leave and the employee is paid their normal salary plus relevant allowances that are payable during a period of leave

  • The second half of the period is to be recorded and treated as leave without pay, both for the purposes of salary and determination of the accrual of leave entitlements.


Subject to provisions in an applicable enterprise agreement, an employee may elect (in writing) to take a period of paid maternity leave or paid adoption leave at half pay.


Calculation Reference: Office of the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment Conditions – Hours of Work, Overtime and Leave.

Quick Reference Guide: HR21-Applying for Long Service Leave

Department for Education employees - submit leave requests via Dept for Education- Employee Kiosk