Contact payroll teams
Our Payroll Services Teams process salary payments and administer and update employee details on behalf of agencies
Getting started
Our Payroll Teams assist Agency HR departments to add new employees on to the payroll system, updating employee's personal details, transferring employees between agencies and processing an employee's termination payments following their resignation.
Our Payroll Teams process pay-related documentation:
all salary payments
allowances and deductions
timesheets and leave forms
contract variations.
We process documentation based on what has been authorised and submitted - check with your Manager to confirm the details of your pay.
How to
In the first instance, logon to HR21 self-service. HR21 contains a range of links to resources (quick reference guides and videos)
Additional training and quick reference guides available. (Statenet access required)
- Or, use the 'Get in touch' drop-down, select your Agency to display contact options
If you need further assistance - contact Payroll Services