Send eInvoices to SA Govt


eInvoicing is a standardised way to send and receive electronic invoices.

If you currently send your invoices to Shared Services SA - Accounts Payable via these invoices can be sent as an eInvoice.

To send an eInvoice you will need to know the SA Government Agency ABNs (Excel, 16.1 KB)

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What is eInvoicing

eInvoicing is a streamlined, efficient, accurate and secure way to transact between suppliers and buyers.  This initiaive across Australia and New Zealand allows invoice information to be provided by a supplier in a standard format that is electronically sent to the receivers who have the ability to integrate the receiving information directly into their financial systems without requiring any manual data input by users.

Additional information from the ATO:

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How to send an eInvoice

If your business uses an eInvoicing ready product such as MYOB or Xero, you may already have the ability to send eInvoices through your software.

If your business uses other accounting software to produce your invoicing, you may need to contact your accounting software provider to see if they have a process already set up for eInvoicing, or you may need to procure an Access Point to set up an integration into the network.

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SA Govt Agencies that receive eInvoices

 Non bold text display agencies new to eInvoicing as at 15/05/2023

Agency name ABN
Alinytjara Wilurara Landscape Board 65 420 303 927
Artlab Australia 15 782 587 824
Arts SA  23 498 935 143
Attorney-General’s Department 15 088 976 178
Barossa Hills Fleurieu Local Health Network Incorporated 51 528 663 451
Carrick Hill Trust 82 054 092 187
Central Adelaide Local Health Network Incorporated 96 269 526 412
Coast Protection Board 85 489 966 070
Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health 11 890 643 513
Commissioner of Highways 45 751 448 902
DCSI – Assist Therapy Services 38 854 531 695
DCSI – Disability Accommodation Services 32 589 414 386
DCSI – Metropolitan Disability Community Services 46 271 317 847
Defence SA 42 912 246 233
Department for Child Protection 54 598 525 171
Department for Correctional Services 44 736 536 754
Department for Education 60 168 401 578
Department for Energy and Mining 83 768 683 934
Department for Environment and Water 36 702 093 234
Department for Health and Wellbeing 97 643 356 590
Department for Human Services 11 525 031 744
Department for Infrastructure and Transport 92 366 288 135
Department for Innovation and Skills 83 524 915 929
Department for Trade and Investment 93 360 648 417
Department of Justice 65 147 661 637
Department of Planning and Local Government 35 859 824 848
Department of Primary Industries and Regions 53 763 159 658
Department of the Premier and Cabinet  94 500 415 644
Department of Treasury and Finance 19 040 349 865
Development Assessment Commission 73 546 691 671
Dog and Cat Management board 48 100 971 189
DTEI Public Transport Division 54 574 243 007
Environment Protection Authority 85 393 411 003
Essential Services Commission 91 774 807 273
Eyre and Far North Local Health Network Incorporated 34 412 710 120
Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board 76 642 201 841
Flinders and Upper North Local Health Network Incorporated 53 549 572 794
Forensic Science SA 69 141 733 292
Government Publishing SA 96 980 294 197
Green Adelaide Board 18 324 915 125
Green Industries SA 76 149 388 126
Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board 40 313 872 882
History Trust of South Australia 17 521 345 493
Independent Gambling Authority 13 916 836 475
Infrastructure SA 16 372 487 442
Interpreting and Translating Centre 69 535 948 542
Kangaroo Island Landscape Board 24 201 100 166
Land Services Group 71 967 041 422
Libraries Board of South Australia 27 332 976 852
Lifetime Support Authority of South Australia 39 202 082 213
Limestone Coast Landscape Board 34 256 534 106
Limestone Coast Local Health Network Incorporated 16 739 520 069
Minister for Education 91 814 239 978
Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board 78 879 031 800
Museum Board 39 808 959 302
Native Vegetation Council Secretariat 14 397 029 137
Northern Adelaide Local Health Network Incorporated 46 371 200 573
Northern and Yorke Landscape Board 83 450 552 896
Office for Infrastructure Development 60 653 953 681
Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing 81 213 956 472
Office for the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment 82 208 658 402
Office of Consumer and Business Affairs 30 652 402 747
Office of the Public Advocate 21 587 257 523
Office of the Technical Regulator 91 322 987 663
Outback Communities Authority 46 594 368 490
Pastoral Board Secretariat 88 525 544 668
Public Library Services 25 610 795 168
Rail Commissioner 23 251 040 528
Residential Tenancies Fund 63 031 239 647
Retail Shop Leases Fund 12 334 849 591
Riverland Mallee Coorong Local Health Network Incorporated 44 685 908 941
SACE Board of South Australia 87 604 513 459
SafeWork SA 50 560 588 327
Service SA 47 958 010 688
Shared Services SA 22 190 872 368
Small Business Commissioner 34 643 517 562
South Australian Health Hospital Services 22 876 630 988
South Australia Motor Sport Board 43 976 679 496
South Australian Ambulance Development Fund 57 059 715 894
South Australian Ambulance Service Incorporated 42 875 540 856
South Australian Arid Lands Landscape Board 69 489 027 866
South Australian Country Fire Service 97 677 077 835
South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission 95 437 863 949
South Australian Government Financing Authority 75 277 967 856
South Australian Government Radio Network 39 370 702 570
South Australian Housing Authority 17 545 435 789
South Australian Local Government Grants Commission 99 986 131 741
South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service 26 897 550 904
South Australian Pathology 35 302 506 443
South Australian Police 93 799 021 552
South Australian Skills Commission 48 776 956 069
South Australian State Emergency Service 39 806 991 234
South Australian Tourism Commission 80 485 623 691
Southern Adelaide Local Health Network Incorporated 14 227 133 467
State Governor’s Establishment 99 343 605 515
State Records of SA 49 105 263 794
Stormwater Management Authority 44 159 978 699
TAFE SA 67 828 419 300
The Art Gallery Board 52 290 987 817
The Dog Fence Board 43 171 091 361
The Trustee for General Reserves Trust 51 367 298 971
The Trustee for State Disaster Relief Fund 34 971 079 915
Transport SA 41 659 119 911
Wellbeing SA 92 815 941 329
Women's and Children's Health Network Incorporated 64 021 748 126
Yorke and Northern Local Health Network Incorporated 11 810 453 593


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